In the 1800's they did not have Acrylic. They made the Lithophanes from porcelain. We have brought back this age old artform

and carve these into acrylic solid surface materials found in most households today. The amount of detail that we can acheive is stunning.

Move mouse over photos below to turn the backlight on and off.

Wedding Photo with Backlight

Wedding Gift

Backlight On

Anniversary Gift

Litho with Backlight on

Lifetime Achievements Collage

With Backlight ON
Mother's Day Gift / Father's Day Gift / Grandma's Birthday Gift

Memorial Lithophanes

Memorial litho with backlight on



Image with Backlight on


Graduation Gift


What Is a Lithophane?


Few people have ever heard about, let alone seen, a Lithophane. The word is not found in dictionaries or encyclopedias, but once in a while in advertisements in antique magazines, someone offers a Lithophane for sale. However, this is very rare. Generally the ones advertised are the plaques or porcelain plates.

Lithophanes are porcelain transparencies which when viewed with normal reflected light has relatively nothing to be seen except that the porcelain is carved and is of various thicknesses, but when there is a light behind the porcelain, the picture impressed into it comes to life and the full details are revealed vividly and in three dimensions. This is caused by the various thicknesses of the porcelain and the thinner the part the more light comes through, while tile thicker portions hold back the light and appear to be darker.

On viewing Lithophanes you should see them without a light turned on and then with the light to appreciate the difference. Viewing the unlighted Lithophane makes the plaque seem to be a peculiar plastic form with indentations and it is impossible to determine what the picture really is, but when tile light is on from behind it is amazing the amount of details that can be seen. In fact, the details are so minute that even a magnifying glass will show details your naked eye cannot see.


History and nature Lithophanes were made during a relatively short period from 1828 until 1902. Because so few Lithophanes are now in existence there are few people who have actually seen them, and until you see them it is impossible to fully understand this art form. Even when looking at Lithophanes many people cannot believe that there is not a picture imbedded in the plate of porcelain. In most of the porcelains there is no color but the whole optical phenomena is produced by the relative density and thickness of the porcelain. The thicker the porcelain the more difficult it is for the light to go through and therefore the darker that particular area, and conversely, the easier it is for the light to penetrate so that the thinnest areas are almost a pure white light.

Excerpts taken from An article written by Don Maust